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Summary of Study

On May 10, 2023, City Council (opens in new window) adopted the Official Plan Amendment PDF and Zoning By-law Amendment PDF to permit multiplexes citywide.

This section summarizes the study that led to the final amendments.

The Multiplex study is part of the Expanding Housing Options in Neighbourhoods initiative which aims to bring more types of housing to Toronto’s low-rise neighbourhoods. This study proposes to permit multiplexes in all areas designated Neighbourhoods in Toronto’s Official Plan. The proposal supports a more equitable approach to growth in Toronto, extending a more flexible use of residential buildings to residents of all of Toronto’s Neighbourhoods.

What is Multiplex Housing

For the purposes of this study, we mean housing with 2, 3, or 4 units in a single building. This housing type is also referred to as a duplex, triplex, or fourplex. These homes could be rental or condominium units and they could either be in the form of converted houses or purpose-built as a multiplex.

Guiding Principles

Toronto is a rapidly growing city which is evolving as it grows. Though the city’s housing stock has been growing along with the population, most of this growth has occurred in high-rise apartments. The Multiplex study is one component of the City’s work to help grow low-rise forms of housing which are greatly needed. To guide this work, the Multiplex team used the following principles to guide the study:

Neighbourhoods for Everyone – quality of life and range of choice for people of all ages and abilities, for diverse, equitable and inclusive communities.

City of Neighbourhoods – recognize the distinctive feel of Toronto’s many neighbourhoods by allowing growth in a built form that fits within their existing scale while adapting to people’s evolving housing needs.

Low-Rise Neighbourhoods – enable opportunities in lower-scale areas to contribute to the variety of built form available across the city.

Green and Livable Neighbourhoods – make efficient use of land and infrastructure while balancing management of tree canopy, soft landscaping and sustainability objectives and providing access to parks, open spaces and natural heritage features.

Facilitate Multiplexes in Neighbourhoods – make it easier to build multiplexes through simplified zoning and approval processes, reducing financial barriers and expanding permissions to more areas across the city.


Prior to the adoption of the Multiplex amendments, in many parts of Toronto the existing zoning permitted large homes, but often limited to one or two units. The approach of this study was to allow up to four units in generally the same building size as what was currently permitted. However, the adopted proposal included some zoning changes to make multiplexes more feasible to build.

Thinking Inside the Box: More Units, Same Scale

Existing zoning envelopes permit building volumes that can be better leveraged to house additional units within a low-rise scale.

Diagram of an existing house and a possible multiplex design, showing that three units can fit into the permitted building envelope of the existing zoning.

Study Timeline

The Multiplex study began in 2020, with public consultation beginning in 2021 and continuing through 2022-23.

In October 2021, an online survey was posted which resulted in a strong majority of respondents supporting multiplexes in their neighbourhood.

From February to May 2022, the team held 14 consultation events in a variety of formats to hear from members of the public, including Webex meetings, Twitter Spaces, a Reddit Ask Me Anything, and in-person walking tours of existing multiplexes.

Following this consultation, the Multiplex Proposals Report (2022.PH35.3) (opens in new window) was adopted by Planning and Housing Committee on July 5, 2022.

In February and March 2023, the team held public and stakeholder consultation events on a revised draft Official Plan Amendment PDF and draft Zoning By-law Amendment PDF. Staff have considered feedback received to develop the final recommended amendments that will enable multiplexes in Toronto’s Neighbourhoods.


City of Toronto. (2023, July 14). Multiplex housing.

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